This is your year

To activate your big magic, unlock your creative genius, expand with money, move with ease into your next phase, and remember joy.

Year of Joy is about calibrating to your soul. Calling in miracles. Tuning in with your guides. Receiving for who you are, not what you do. Going big with abundance. Deep healing on every level - physical, mental, emotional.

And watching the magic that unfolds.

Potent transmissions to help you expand in 2024

a year of expansion


10 spaces available.

+ monthly 1:1 healings


5 spaces available.


We begin on January 9.

I love Amber - she has a true gift. If you’re feeling called to step into something big, consider this. Her work is one of the most useful things I’ve encountered, and I want it in my life all the time. She’s such a clear channel.
— Brenda Peregrine

Over the course of the year, you’ll

  • align with miracles

  • strengthen your intuition

  • tap into your innate power to heal yourself

  • calm your nervous system

  • master your emotional guidance system

  • commune with sacred animals

  • call in love (or deepen the love that’s already here)

  • heal your energy around money (and create major motion to receive a lot more of it)

  • nourish yourself deeply

  • activate your creative genius

This is a Year for Big Magic.

Amazing things have been happening. Synchronicities. Epiphanies. Cleansing tears. All of a sudden, everything seems to make sense. There’s a fire of courage and power burning in my belly that I have never felt before. This path is amazing.
— Paula Sissone

Who is this for?

It’s for the magical souls riding around this planet in sensitive human suits. It’s for the witches, writers, artists, healers, channels, creatives, and solopreneurs who are here to help us all calibrate to a new era, a new frequency. This work is beyond label, because you are beyond label.

This is for you if you want a bigger experience of joy, if you’re longing for expansion.

This is for you if you’re being guided to deeper healing, deeper rest.

This is for you whether you’re in the chrysalis phase or the bursting into butterfly phase.

This is where you remember your power, magic, and light.

Working with Amber was one of the best things I’ve done in a long, long time. Such a wonderful experience. Make sure you grab the opportunity with both hands.
— Liv White

This is a year for big motion.



If you want to supercharge your year, this is for you.

Year of Joy


Monthly 1:1 Healings

(12 in Total)

Potent 30-minute healings to help you expand in new ways, heal as needed, move through challenge, unlock your creative genius, dissolve money blocks, and anything else you might need or want.

Rocket fuel for your life and soul.


(These healings are normally $300, so the healings alone are a $3,600 value.)

5 spaces available.

Amber’s work is about switching on your wisdom, power, and light, it’s about connecting with your higher self, integrating what needs to be integrated, and showing up. It’s powerful and healing work.
— Terri Connellan

what do we do in year of joy?

January - February: unlock your magic

Seven powerhouse modules to help you start soaring forward with joy right out of the gate. The perfect place to begin the new year. You’ll steep in the energy of your soul. You’ll begin to see and feel just how easy things can be. You’ll clear space to welcome in what you truly want, connect with support, nourish daily, tap into your ever-flowing wellspring of creativity, lean into joy, and activate your innate superpowers. This is the bedrock of the year.

March: Chill with sacred animals

Think: Life coaching from unicorns, manifestation with dragons, rising from the ashes with the phoenix.

If you're drawn to the feisty phoenix, love those dragons on TV, genuinely consider getting one of those unicorn Frappuccinos even though you know it’s made with sparkly diabetes - this is the chapter for you. If you perk up (or cry) when you see internet videos of giraffes, lions, or otters - you’re going to love this. If you’re ready to shine more brightly, tap more fully into your wisdom, find your tribe, and create with more joy, the collective energy of these beings is here to support you.

April: Fire up your genius

Strengthen your intuition. Open your channel. Be a funnel for your soul and creative genius.

Each one of us has access to divine wisdom through our own soul. If you're reading these words, you are a powerful light, a master creator, and your own unique embodiment of source love. It’s not about learning how, because you already know. It’s about remembering.

June: Love & RElationships

This is the chapter where we dive into love, specifically romantic love and partnerships.

This chapter is for wherever you’re at with love - whether you’re ready to call in love and partnership, you want to deepen the love that’s already here, or you’re grieving a love lost. We’ll do heart healing, help you tune in with your deepest essence (spoiler alert: you are pure love), and lean into the understanding that you don’t have to be perfect to have the relationship you want.

July - August: money

You’re sitting on an energetic gold mine. Let’s transform that energy into cash. Wherever you currently stand with money, this will help. If you’re so very ready to thrive financially, feel peace around money, bend time and space in whatever way pleases you, receive in a new way, and take a quantum leap with your abundance, this is the chapter for you.

This chapter isn’t strategy or trainings, it’s not more stuff to do. It’s a series of deep healings, clearings, activations, meditations, and channeled wisdom to help you shift below the level of your conscious brain, to begin creating and receiving in a new way. The healings are the transformation. Just lie down, get comfortable, and press play.

September - October: embodiment

Lean into deep nourishment, tap into your ability to heal yourself, balance your nervous system for deeper rest and receiving. Landing fully in your body and truly resting the mind and nervous system may be the most impactful work you ever do. Here’s some of what we explore in this chapter: clearing addictions (in a way that feels good, not deprived), protecting yourself energetically, sleeping better, filling your cup, health and beauty codes, and clearing the brain gremlins.

november: Emotional mastery

Joy comes with ease when your emotions flow as physical sensation without all the overthinking we smart humans like to do. Everything gets lighter when you meet your feelings as a friend rather than an enemy.

If you've been known to sob on the living room floor and then binge-watch Netflix all day, this is for you. If you've ever walked into a crowded party and ducked behind the nearest towering ficus, this is for you. When you learn how to read the elevation changes of your moods, suddenly the whole world opens up. We're taught to stuff down our feelings. But when we know how to listen, we can hear profound messages from our higher self. You already have all the answers to all your questions. This chapter will help you receive them.

December: Miracles

Become a tuning fork for miracles. Because you are a creature of miracles, and it’s time to start wielding ‘em like the wizard you are. This chapter is a cornucopia of energy clearings, activations, heart healings, and grounding meditations.

You’ll bring miracles into form, activate your superpowers, meditate with your higher self, dissolve guilt, feel better, heal frustration, harness your sensitive superpowers, clear anxiety, create your next adventure, expand your heart, transform judgment, connect to your highest timeline, heal triggers, navigate feelings of inferiority, soothe sadness, and remember how strong you are.


10 spaces available

12 monthly payments of $111


5 spaces available


we begin January 9.


How it works:

  • After you join, you’ll receive a welcome email from me.

  • We begin on January 9 with the first chapter.

  • You’ll be guided through our time together via email.

  • All content is pre-recorded, so there’s no need to stress about when or how to show up. Just dive in whenever feels good to you.

  • Your access to the material doesn’t expire, even after the year is complete, so you can return to the healings and meditations as desired.



After over a decade of deep spiritual dives and learning myself as a channel and energy healer, I’ve been helping writers write and creatives thrive since 2015. Helping magic humans like you step into your power is my joy and my jam. Watching your lives unfurl and bloom with love, creativity, and wild abundance is my reason and purpose.

As we bring our magic forward, our lives and the lives of those around us take another giant leap forward - and we get to have a lot more fun along the way. :)

Healer, writer, and moon witch. Manifesting generator with a 5/1 profile. Seventh generation intuitive.

xo - Amber



I’m an intuitive channel, not a medical professional or therapist. I deeply believe in this work and it’s been a game changer for me and many who have worked with me, but I can not guarantee specific results. Each person who receives this work takes full responsibility for any changes and consequences that may or may not occur.

I don’t offer refunds, but I’m always happy to talk and explore options if something isn’t working for you.

Joining Year of Joy is an agreement to these terms.