CHange your money story

A Series of Six Money Healings

July 1 - 6, 2024

open the floodgates to money, inspiration, and energy.

Potent healings help you step into your own deep well of abundance, creativity, genius - and money. Steeping in the powerful energy of these healings helps you gain massive momentum in whatever way is best for you, your life, and your soul at this time.

Join live or watch the recordings.

“Amber is absolutely magic. Her money healings have absolutely changed my life. Not only did I receive more clients and cash after them, but I broke through my writer’s block and finished a book revision I was struggling with. I literally feel like a new person with more energy and a more calm, positive mindset.” - Sarah Fox 

“Every time I do one of Amber’s money meditations, my income noticeably increases. I also feel more empowered and capable as a business owner and artist.” - Lizzie Swartz

“Your healings are so potent, I'm trying to keep up with the rapid changes!” - Mikael Short

Change your money story

…into the story you want to tell, into the story you want to live, into the story that creates all the money you could ever need or desire.

What story are you telling yourself about money?

How could it feel better? How could it serve you and your life and your work and your family better? How could your money story support you instead of hinder you?


major forward motion

All you have to do is relax and listen.

When I say these money healings are life-changing, they are LIFE-CHANGING. The book editing industry is often a feast-famine cycle, but since I started doing these money healings with Amber, I've had books coming at me from all directions! 

Now I'm at the point where I'm booking work two months ahead of time! I'm floored that all of this has happened in such a short time! I've been making at least $1,000 more each month since I've done these healings, and the coming months are looking to possibly even double that. 

Another unexpected side effect is that I've been much more open about talking about money with my partner and it's not as scary to address money concerns together anymore. I've also gotten more of my financial ducks in a row for my business so it feels easier than ever to track income and expenses and set money aside for taxes.

Thank you so much, Amber, for these incredible healings. I love that they are so brief that they offer a little moment of respite in the day while still doing all this energetic work to make this all possible. I'm so excited about what's to come from all these energetic shifts! - Mikael Short


"I saw my brain literally re-wiring during today's healing. Wow! Things are happening for me money-wise. More is coming in and something shifted dramatically in my work. I've got an abundance of ideas and action to take, after years of healing and waiting. I'm positive the daily healing and your container had an impact. I love your work so much. This shit works!" - Jen Pillipow


Want more?



I believe we should all have plenty of money for everything we need and want - no matter what your work, history, or life circumstances happen to be.

Six sets of healings form a beautiful and powerful container for this life-shifting work. These healings support not only your financial expansion, but also your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic wellbeing.

Both potent and easy to receive, these money healings are designed to be exactly what you need now. If you’re drawn to them, there’s a reason.

xo - Amber


Disclaimer: I'm an intuitive channel, not a financial consultant. I deeply believe in this work and it has been a game changer for me and many who have worked with me, but I can’t guarantee specific results. Each person who participates takes responsibility for any changes that do or don’t occur. I don’t offer refunds, but I’m always happy to chat and try to find a solution if something isn’t working for you.

Purchasing these healings is an agreement to these terms.