open the Money floodgates

No matter where you are with money, this will help.

These money healings put you on your best road to money. Because we tune in with your soul, deepest wisdom, and guidance. The aspects of you that already know where you’re going and how to get there. Once you’re tapped in, the path unfolds, the answers and inspiration appear, and the energy to execute on the inspiration shows up.

These healings are designed to meet you where you are now, providing whatever energetic shifts are needed to help you drop into the frequency of unexpected cash, aligned income, and wealth.

These healings can help things pop - even things that have been in the works for months or years.

Steeping in this powerful energy of these money healings on a daily basis helps you gain massive momentum with money - and can open doors you didn’t even realize were closed.

You have your own map to money.

Cash Compass will help you read that map.

“Amber is absolutely magic. Her money healings have absolutely changed my life. Not only did I receive more clients and cash after them, but I broke through my writer’s block and finished a book revision I was struggling with. I literally feel like a new person with more energy and a more calm, positive mindset.” - Sarah Fox 

“Every time I do one of Amber’s money meditations, my income noticeably increases. I also feel more empowered and capable as a business owner and artist.” - Lizzie Swartz

"I saw my brain literally re-wiring during today's healing. Wow! Things are happening for me money-wise. More is coming in and something shifted dramatically in my work. I've got an abundance of ideas and action to take, after years of healing and waiting. I'm positive the daily healing and your container had an impact. I love your work so much. This shit works!" - Jen Pillipow

Cash Compass
Every month

Cancel any time.

Once you register, you’ll receive automatic access to all the healings in the archive and will receive an email when new healings are added. If for any reason, you sign up and don’t get immediate access to all past healings (glitches do happen), please contact me and we’ll get you sorted out.

Whatever your current situation, these money healings help you align with the life - and money - that will make you happiest.

Things that have happened during the healings:

  • Service businesses book out

  • New clients appear

  • Major windfalls land

  • Big moves are made

  • Landed new soul-aligned jobs

  • Ancestral patterns clearing

  • Random cash and checks show up

THings that have happened after the healings:

  • Dramatically increased income

  • Businesses evolve

  • Felt more comfortable with their feelings around money

  • Felt more comfortable having money

  • Paid off debt

  • Sent me messages years later about how they’re now in a much better financial place

Effects of the healings (beyond money):

  • Fresh inspiration and guidance received (and easily followed) about how to easily create extra cash

  • Feeling less stressed about finances

  • Sense of peace around things that previously triggered shame or guilt or tears

  • Able to roll with uncertainty in a much more peaceful and powerful way

  • Other big things shifting, because as we work in one area, all the other areas begin to transform as well

P.S. These healings don’t just help you have more money. They also help your business, creative work, your art and books. They help your brain rewire, your emotions and relationships smooth out, and your nervous system relax.

I just got two bookings today! Two totally new clients, one that I hadn't even communicated with yet! Hello, money healings!” - Heather Pierce Musco

When I say these money healings are life-changing, they are LIFE-CHANGING. I'm at the point where I'm booking work two months ahead of time! I'm floored that all of this has happened in such a short time! I've been making at least $1,000 more each month since I've done these healings, and the coming months are looking to possibly even double that. Thank you so much, Amber, for these incredible healings. I love that they are so brief that they offer a little moment of respite in the day while still doing all this energetic work to make this all possible. I'm so excited about what's to come from all these energetic shifts! - Mikael Short

major forward motion

This space supports not just your financial expansion, but also your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic wellbeing.

Designed to be exactly what you need now, these money healings are potent and easy to receive.

All you have to do is relax and listen.

Cash Compass
Every month

Cancel any time.

Once you register, you’ll receive automatic access to all the healings in the archive and will receive an email when new healings are added. If for any reason, you sign up and don’t get immediate access to all past healings (glitches do happen), please contact me and we’ll get you sorted out.

Your energy, creativity, nervous system, and bank account will thank you.


how this works

Each month, we’ll spend a week together in the energetic container of a new set of money healings.

You also have access to all the previous money healings (over 150!) so you can bask in this energy as often as you like.

I recommend listening to one healing a day to keep your frequency on track - while remembering to take space to integrate.

One month in Cash Compass sets you on the right road. Two months inspires major motion. Three months can usher in big change. Four months can bring miracles. Six months can be life-changing.

access to over 150 healings* to change your life and bank account.

*plus a new set of healings each month!



Your money healings have already radically improved my life. I've been doing energy work, in various forms and with lots of very skilled healers, for over fifteen years. These healings with you have been among the most powerful and effective that I have ever received. You shift big things. Fast. So many things I've been struggling with (for months, years - and had numerous people work on) are moving or gone after your group sessions. Without even working one-on-one with you. I don't know how you do it, but it seems like whatever you're calling in is just perfect for me. It's like you're reading my mind. I can't say thank you enough.” - Si Dawson

I've learned so much about bringing in my miracles from you! Thank you so much. I now trust that I can bring in everything I need.” - Courtney Gonzalez

“I have to tell you how much I love your money healings. I come away from the sessions feeling energized and vowing to make habits out of the profound wisdom you are channeling. Thank you so much for sharing this gift.” - Bonnie

“Thank you, Amber! Just emerging now. I feel so, so, so refreshed. More deeply feeling how money, love, and the heart are all one continuum. Of course it's so much deeper than those words.” - Sharon

Cash Compass
Every month

Cancel any time.

Once you register, you’ll receive automatic access to all the healings in the archive and will receive an email when new healings are added. If for any reason, you sign up and don’t get immediate access to all past healings (glitches do happen), please contact me and we’ll get you sorted out.



I believe we should all have plenty of money for everything we need and want - no matter what your work, history, or life circumstances happen to be.

Cash Compass is a beautiful and powerful container for this life-shifting work. These healings support not only your financial expansion, but also your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic wellbeing.

Both potent and easy to receive, these money healings are designed to be exactly what you need now. If you’re drawn to them, there’s a reason.

xo - Amber


Want to see if this is for you?


Disclaimer: I'm an intuitive, not a financial consultant. I deeply believe in this work and it has been a game changer for me and many who have worked with me, but I can not guarantee specific results. Each person who participates takes responsibility for any changes that do or don’t occur. I don’t offer refunds but you can cancel at any time. Joining this membership is an agreement to these terms.