You’re ready to Expand in 2024

“Every time I do one of Amber’s money meditations, my income noticeably increases. I also feel more empowered and capable as a business owner and artist.” - Lizzie Swartz

"I saw my brain literally re-wiring during today's healing. Wow! Things are happening for me money-wise. More is coming in and I'm finally tackling some banking needs that were way overdue. This shit works!" - Jen Pillipow

“Your healings are so potent, I'm trying to keep up with the rapid changes!” - Mikael Short

These money healings can open the flood gates to money, inspiration, energy to execute that inspiration, and random blessings bestowed out of the clear blue sky. These healings can help things pop - even things that have been in the works for months or years. Steeping in this powerful energy on a daily basis can open doors you didn’t even realize were closed.


If you’re ready to clear the path for an amazing 2024, this is for you.

Healings to help you stay consistently in the energy of abundance.

All you have to do is relax and listen. 

Healings include:

  1. Clean Sweep Healing

  2. Big Vision for Your Next Phase

  3. Moving through Contraction

  4. Expansion Healing

  5. Calling in Quick Cash

  6. Blossom in the New Year

  7. Worthiness Healing

  8. Dissolving Blocks to Expansion

  9. Healing for Deep Rest

  10. Prepare for an Influx of Wealth


How it Works:

  • Once you purchase the healings, I’ll email you within one business day to give you access.

  • You’ll receive lifetime access to the ten healings.

  • While I recommend doing one healing a day, you get to listen on your own schedule.

  • The healings work with you where you are, so you’ll receive something different each time.

    Love, Amber


Disclaimer: I'm an intuitive channel, not a financial consultant. I deeply believe in this work and it has been a game changer for me and many who have worked with me, but I can not guarantee specific results. Each person who participates takes responsibility for any changes that do or don’t occur. I don’t offer refunds (but am always happy to chat and try to find a solution if something isn’t working for you).

Purchasing these healings is an agreement to these terms.