We’re magic. Let’s start acting like it.


"Working with Amber was one of the best things I’ve done in a long, long time. Such a wonderful experience. Make sure you grab the opportunity with both hands.” - Liv White


“Every time I do one of Amber’s money healings, my income noticeably increases. I feel more empowered and capable as a business owner and artist.” - Lizzie Swartz


Hi, I’m Amber!

I’ve been supporting big-hearted, born-for-magic humans since 2015. As a 5/1 manifesting generator, I’m always in the middle of 97 projects. As a double Cancer with a Virgo moon, I might cry about it. (And then make a spreadsheet.)

My work helps writers, creatives, entrepreneurs, and healers unleash their creative genius, remember their magic, and unlock their potential.

I’m on this path with you, sharing what comes through me for all of us.

As we bring our magic forward, our lives and the lives of those around us take another giant leap forward - and we get to have a lot more fun along the way.