That is the question.
I wholeheartedly believe that we are all weird, in our own glorious way.
But when your weird takes the form of angels and unicorns and dead people you have serious conversations with, the question becomes:
How weird do I let myself be?
How weird do I let myself be in public?
If you’re me, pretty damn weird.
I have been ridiculously upfront about talking to Jesus and channeling Mother Mary and riding around on dragons.
Lately, I’ve had multiple conversation about maybe making the dragon an aunt instead of a dragon, so that people don’t immediately write me off. Most of us can imagine an aunt being wise but fewer of us are inclined to believe a magical reptile.
How weird do we allow ourselves to be? How weird do we allow ourselves to be when it comes to our work, work we’d like people to take seriously?
How vulnerable do we make ourselves?
How much do we push the unicorns on people who are magical animal-averse? Glitter skeptical?
How much do we bring other dimensions, other possibilities, into a world that might not be fully ready for them?
I don’t believe there is one right answer. I don’t even believe there is one right answer for one person all the time.
We’re here to help both the magically- and rationally-inclined people, the witches and the muggles.
So the question is really: How do we want to show up? What feels best right now?
I’ve been going hardcore with my weird for years now.
But as I watch people with the same message who are sharing it differently take their work to so many people, when my circle stays fairly limited, I wonder if I made the right choice. Or if it’s time to shift into something with more mainstream appeal so that the ideas can come through without so much attention being paid to the messenger.
Maybe the messenger just needs to be me - rather than Mother Mary, rather than unicorns - and that scares the living daylights out of me.
Maybe I’ve been hiding behind the dragons. If you’re going to hide behind something, a dragon feels like a good choice.
Maybe it’s time to come out. Instead of coming out as a witch or a channeler, coming out as just me.
Whatever I end up deciding, I refuse to give up my unicorn horn.